Robin Williams, more than just a comedian

Aug 21, 2014
Robin Williams wasn't just a comedian to us. He was a loyal customer in our Napa and Cotati stores. Our heart goes out to his family after the tragedy last week. He will be greatly missed. Thanks for telling your story Wendy. 
"About 5 yrs ago when I was living in NorCal, I lived near Sift Cupcake + Dessert Bar in Cotati. They hadn't been open very long and weren't even a big deal yet. The only store they had at the time. Long before their appearances on Cupcake Wars. I got a craving for a cupcake and thought I would run over and get one. They are amaze balls. 
Low and behold, there's Robin Williams looking at the cupcakes trying to decide what to get. Just like me..."
~Wendy Collins Baker 

RIP Robin Williams 


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